– 从米兰出发,搭乘阿尔卑斯绿色小火车
– 瑞士图恩湖游船
– 瑞士阿尔卑斯山迷人的风景
– 有自由时间游览因特拉肯
– 讲英语的专业领队
从米兰出发,乘坐高速列车来到多莫多索拉(Domodossola ),从意大利进入瑞士前的最后一个边界城市。从这里开启阿尔卑斯山绿色小火车的旅程吧!
小火车将带您穿过森皮奥内山口(passo del Sempione),这是瑞士最美的山口之一。在风景慢慢展现在您眼前的同时,您的英语陪同会向您介绍高山和山谷的秘密。在历经2小时的绝美风景以后,您会来到图恩湖畔小镇施皮茨(Spiez)。在这里您可以自由享受午餐(团费未含),之后您将乘坐现代化的蒸汽船驶往因特拉肯。
Day Trip :from Milan to Interlaken and Swiss Alps We started the trip from in front of the Central Station at 7 am, waiting for us our wonderful driver and our wonderful guide Florenso We took the bus to Domodossola for about an hour and had breakfast in the town it was very beautiful then got on the train station and headed to Spiez in Switzerland and then we headed to Lake Thun and the most beautiful lake trip began. It was a very nice and enjoyable trip and the lake trip ended in Interlaken. We toured the wonderful city and had free time to see the sights and buy Swiss chocolate. At the end of the trip we took the train with the guide and headed to the city of Domodossola and then to Milan by bus The trip was so wonderful I didn't feel the time and the driver was great and the guide Florenso was so wonderful and very organized he’s amazing despite the difficulty of organizing the trip it was helpful and kind and calm I definitely recommend this trip to visit Switzerland and enjoy. Finally I want to say a deep thanks to the guide Florenso and the drivher
Una boccata di aria fresca in questa estate soffocante. Attenzione, questa gita in Svizzera é movimentata, si cambia pullman e treni per poi salpare sud una delle imbarcazioni per navigare sul lago Thun ed arrivare ad Interlaken. I paesaggi da ammirare sono incantevoli in questa stagione e la meteo é stata dalla nostra parte. Una moltitudine di colori… dei fiori, dell’acqua del lago, dei prati, dei conifere e delle case cosa dico? Delle ville, stupende. Attenzione, Svizzera tedesca. Vi conviene spiaccicare 2 parole di tedesco o inglese. L’accompagnatore Lorenzo é stato simpatico e gradevolissimo. Gita raccomandatissima
Excellent trip a lot of things to see in one day
Overall Excellent.
Por favor quiero viajar a Interlaken en su tour pero quisiera saber si ese mismo dia podriamos ir a Jungfran. Gracias esperamos su respuesta para asi separar los cupos. Me podria mandar la respuesta a [email protected]